The coming together of the disparate elements! There’s a lot packed into this page. This is the setup for the mayhem that is unleashed next week – as our story gets much more exciting. Be here for it!
Posts Tagged The Calico
Looks like by settling a score that BW has unleashed some major trouble. This could very well spiral out of control… One thing’s for sure… next week, all of this could result in extra cheesecake! Bring your plates.
Looks like our… erm… “hero” is down… but not before there was some significant cheesecake. Next week we meet back up with Agent Roberts who was taken down by Jolt about 11 pages ago. Lots of excitement ahead in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry this part hasn’t been heavy on the humor, but I hope you’re still enjoying the show! Next week we see what has our rag-tag escapees have in store for them… something tells me that the Directorate won’t make things[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Now the battle heats up! Jolt gets her comeuppance, and Moish will soon learn what it’s like to go on disability.
I think this was probably the most difficult page of the story to draw so far! Love a challenge though. Be sure to come back next week as the escape of Agent Roberts and his girlfriend Mallory reaches it’s shattering[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Uh oh… Agent Roberts is in trouble… but that’s fairly obvious, huh? Two more episodes left of “Rise, Rabbit, Rise! Of course, there will also be an epilogue to this story to wrap it up with a neat little bow.
I’m not sure if the fourth panel can be considered nudity, but it is somewhat risque, so just to be safe I’m rating this page NSFW – so folks (and me) avoid trouble. It’s the return of Mallory!..In a flashback.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So now we catch up with Mallory and Captain Moko Kwaid. Apparently, he hasn’t been back to his boat yet to see the havoc that Kiro the assassin wreaked on the crew. I think I have to say, that so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Mio and Mallory meet! Chatting about dresses. It seems that BW is up to no good… will sexy results follow? Probably!