Uh-Oh, she said Money Laundering. Be careful Bunny, you wouldn't want to get involved with any thing illegal. She may not be the type of girl you could take home to meet your mother…
I'll bet a lot of sea-men stay at this hotel-eh?!? [the pun police will be by to issue me a citation later today]! …. its all fun and games until someone loses an eye… did she SEE that one coming?!? [ on a roll] [grin]
Great page for a great start of a new chapter. But, shouldn't have checked it at work. My co-worker gave me a "look" when she saw the hotness of this page 😉
Sorry about that, Alecho! I hope you didn't get into trouble. I often wonder if I should change the rating of the comic from PG to NSFW… but I don't think the comic tends to be any worse than a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue!
be very careful, BW, when dealing with unknown criminals. You could end up in way more trouble than you could get in by yourself. I'm sure he has a plan though. BW always does, sneaky lil' devil he is. 😀
Simone at least has both eyes… and a conscience… a couple of things that our favorite evil cyclopsian redhead can't buy… unless she manages to find a bionic eye somewhere!
Unfortunately for BW (and fortunately for us), careful isn't really in his vocab… he has a tendency to stir up trouble. He's being turned on to a whole new level of bad that he's never seen before as a small time operator. I think she wants to nurture his villainy, and use it to forward her own ends!
Discussion (25) ¬
Uh-Oh, she said Money Laundering. Be careful Bunny, you wouldn't want to get involved with any thing illegal. She may not be the type of girl you could take home to meet your mother…
Good advice! She might also be too large to fit in his mother's home… it is a rabbit hole after all!
Hey! She does laundry! Give her a break! She clearly has that and a few other ASSets!
Her servants probably do at any rate… I have to say, I would hate to be the one who puts her clothes on the wrong dryer setting!
I'll bet a lot of sea-men stay at this hotel-eh?!? [the pun police will be by to issue me a citation later today]! …. its all fun and games until someone loses an eye… did she SEE that one coming?!? [ on a roll] [grin]
Ladies and Gentlemen… that was Scott Jenkins! He'll be here all week… try the meatloaf, and tip your waiter… is this thing on?
Great page for a great start of a new chapter. But, shouldn't have checked it at work. My co-worker gave me a "look" when she saw the hotness of this page 😉
Sorry about that, Alecho! I hope you didn't get into trouble. I often wonder if I should change the rating of the comic from PG to NSFW… but I don't think the comic tends to be any worse than a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue!
be very careful, BW, when dealing with unknown criminals. You could end up in way more trouble than you could get in by yourself. I'm sure he has a plan though. BW always does, sneaky lil' devil he is. 😀
Gosh George, she certainly gives Simone some competition in the hotness stakes…
Simone at least has both eyes… and a conscience… a couple of things that our favorite evil cyclopsian redhead can't buy… unless she manages to find a bionic eye somewhere!
With curves like that, I may go steal her a bionic eye myself. Whoa, nelly! 😀
I know what you mean, Tony. I'm already captivated by her Sarah Palin hairdo already. And who could possibly argue against nylons? Not me, buddy!
Titania does sport quite a do, and she certainly knows how to dress… she's a classy dame all around! 😀
Unfortunately for BW (and fortunately for us), careful isn't really in his vocab… he has a tendency to stir up trouble. He's being turned on to a whole new level of bad that he's never seen before as a small time operator. I think she wants to nurture his villainy, and use it to forward her own ends!
Wow! Someone with her evil experience combined with BW's penchant for wreaking mayhem? This may be dastardly at its worst! Can't wait.
Now I wonder who's controlling whom here? Has BW met his match, or is he just playing dumb?
Very interesting shading effect on the art!
Thanks! I would think the edge controlling-wise goes to Titania in this round… at least until our anti-hero learns the ropes a little better!
You sure know how to start a story, Jerry! I'm not sure it was agunthat put the Countess's eye out, comprenez-vous? Let the adventure begin!
He he! Then again, she may not have lost her eye completely… she might just have lazy eye and have to wear the eye patch until it's cured!
Tell me this isn't a Bunny's dream come true!
It sure is! She knows what he likes… but after he watched her sentence his co-worker to death, he knows he has to tread carefully!
mamma mia!
I see your mamma mia and raise you an "ooh la la"!
My wife refers to the character as "the sexy redhead"!