Die Now, Die Later! cover
Next week begins a new tale in the Bunny Wiggins saga!
What’s different about this cover you may ask? Instead of the usual ink on bristol, this was done on illustration board first in water colors, then manipulated in photoshop.
I must say Vah-vah-VAH-VOOM! o.O [puuurs]
There's always sexy results with BUNNY WIGGINS! 😀
I was gunna start at episode 1 of Wise Wabbit Wise but that's a lotta episodes to get through so I decided to just start with the new story.
It is a major time commitment… Glad you're coming long for the new story!
Fortunately, there's not a lot in the old story you have to know for the new one, but you may want to start at Chapter 3 in the first story to get some background. Then again, I may have to do a "story so far" kind of thing so newer folks aren't left behind.
A story so far thing would be good for us newbies. I really appreciate that you've taken the time to visit & comment on my comic too. I come across a lot of comics where I begin to regularly visit & comment but then never hear from them either in the form of comment replies to my comments on their site or visits to mine. I love reading other people's comics but the interaction with others through comments section is just as enjoyable for me as well. Personally I'd rather a handful of visitors who comment than hundreds or thousands of site hits per day & no comments. The social side of the comic community is very encouraging to me.
Likewise… I like the interactions with the cartoonists on their sites too… and it seems that many of us frequent the same places! I’ve found that if I go to a site where someone doesn’t respond to my comments, I don’t stick around. I appreciate everyone who stops by and leaves comments… That someone takes a little extra time to leave their two cents is flattering.
Neat coloring effect. And very neat James Bond movie poster style artwork!
Thanks… You totally get what I was aiming for… I approached it more as an illustration than a comic page!
It would make an excellent one-sheet poster!
That's a great idea… Thanks!… Poster design is one of my strong suits (I like to think).
Maybe at some point I'll get my act together and put together a Bunny Wiggins store to sell posters & stuff. I'll have to sooner or later, because I'm putting together the first Bunny Wiggins book, and I'll need someplace to sell it!
Man, I love everything about this cover. It's totally beautiful.
Thanks… I had fun doing it, as always…
Wow…those ladies have been doing some serious sit-ups and crunches!
They have high standards at Bunny Wiggins central casting! BW had to lose 40 lb\’s for his last role.
I'm waiting for the movie! This art has the look of a great action adventure flick. Good job, Jerry! Looks like the start of a deadly new story!
Thanks Mark… I'm waiting for the movie too! 😀
There'll be lots of deadly adventure ahead!
Sexy girls, cute wabbit. Looking forward to this!
Thanks for stopping by… I hope you like it!
Ooooh! I'm liking this cover! I like the title "Die Now, Die Later"! Looking good!
Thanks! I hope the story lives up to the cover!