So ends chapter 1, and Orientation. One important lesson: don’t run afoul of the homicidal sociopath, Jolt. It looks as if we say goodbye to poor R-3. Such is the price of failure when one works for the Directorate!
In my sketchblog today, I share the evolution of the Jolt character from my sketchbook. Also – please be sure to check out some other NEW comics of mine at! Oslo from Muddlecreek has another Muddlecreek spinoff there called “Hey, Oslo!”.
If you *have* to have the life crushed out of you, it may as well be done by a foxy, whip-bearing, scantily-clad vixen!
I'm not sure if your family could collect on the life insurance for that, though, I mean, what would that fall under?
Death my Masochism?!?
I doubt R-3 got to enjoy it much!
Has BW met some people more diabolical than he is? I still put my money on the B. Weezy to take care of things. He's not the sickest, vilest rabbit in this land fer nuthin'! π
One thing's for sure, he's not in Muddlecreek any more. He may be realizing that he's in over his head…or at least, readers might be realizing it. Before this story is done, rest assured he'll be working some of his bad mojo!
I love how shocked he is by the evil that's occurring here. You would think that he'd be immune to random violence, but this shows a whole other side of him that we (or at least, I) haven't seen before. Is that compassion or confusion? π
For as bad of a guy as he is, he's never had blood on his hands. He may be a villain, but he's not a monster… or a sociopath like Jolt. The Directorate's brand of bad is a much darker shade!
That was some orientation. I'd say it's about time to RUN!
He can run, but he can't hide from the Directorate! There's only one way out, and R-3 found it…
Woah… Jolt is bad ass!!! I really like her weapon too, really cool π
Thanks! She's also someone you don't want to get on the wrong side of, either.