Chapter 2 Part 8 (NSFW)
In Bunny Wiggins’ book, this could be considered a really good day. A momentous meeting of Bunny Wiggins and the Countess Titania Cleave! Could they be kindred spirits? Maybe. Will there be fallout? Of course! It wouldn’t be any fun if there wasn’t.
This page has the distinction of being the only page I’ve redrawn for Bunny Wiggins. Chronologically, this was redone just before I did page 19. Page 19 was also edited to be a little less risque’. You’ll see what I mean in a few weeks (or pages if you’re reading this much later). I was thinking that the original page 15 could be bonus content when I do the print book of this (probably in August or September)… but I wasn’t happy with the art except for one panel which turns up in this version as the one that’s bottom center.
Haha! Bunny-style! 🙂
He he! When the volcano headquarters is rockin', don't bother knockin'!
I've heard rumors about bunnies, but I didn't believe them.
The rumors in BW's case are true! He also divorced and has like 50 children… but I played that up more in Muddlecreek then I did in this one.
Dammit Spencey, you stole my comment! *stomps off* …I WAS gonna say that they were gonna scr*w like wabbits!
Whats the "rating on this comic" as far as me saucy language goes?!? *smirk*
Well, at least there's no REAL nudity! I had to debate on whether or not I should give this individual strip an NSFW , but since stuff is only implied, I didn't. That's about as close to nudity as you'll see in the strip. I don't really have the saucy language in BW… I tried it in Muddlecreek and it didn't really work. Then again, Bunny Wiggins is hardly a family comic.
Man, they've got everything. I can't even find Everclear anymore. 🙂
Oh, and I go Wa-hoo every time I'm about to score too. 😀
The resources of the Directorate are truly remarkable! You have to wonder if the Countess keeps in a stock of Boones Farm as well!
Well, that should get this site a few hundred "hits".
I think you exaggerate… while Bunny Wiggins is a looker, I don't think THAT will drive more readers to the site!
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooah!!!! Why am I getting excited?!!
Caffiene? I know I can't drink the stuff… at least very much of it…