I’m not sure if I did this in time for the weekly art show, but here it is nonetheless. I actually did two for this weeks theme… one which I entered into the show – Conan. The other is Red Sonja, which I will also post here.
I’m not sure if I did this in time for the weekly art show, but here it is nonetheless. I actually did two for this weeks theme… one which I entered into the show – Conan. The other is Red Sonja, which I will also post here.
This week’s topic in the Minigroup Comic Creator’s art show is “Rock Around the Clock”… pick a music related topic, song, band, etc. My choice was Led Zeppelin! While the Beatles and Pink Floyd are generally at the top of my list, I thought the most fun band to draw would be Led Zeppelin (who are certainly in my top ten favorite bands), in all of their 1970’s hair glory. Their 1976 album Presence is easily one of my favorites… I still remember my brother John walking around the house singing “Nobody’s Fault But Mine” just after the album came out. Gee, I’m old!
When I checked my email on Sunday afternoon, I got this awesome surprise! Don Ahé is the artist behind Road Apples Almanac – one of my favorite strips on the web. Road Apples Almanac follows the adventures of Aldous Otter, his dog Shep, and his nemesis, Doc the rooster. Don’s art hearkens back to the work of George Herriman (Krazy Kat).. a cartoonist I tried to emulate for Muddlecreek. Road Apples comes much closer to the spririt of Krazy than I ever could. Do yourself a favor, and check out Road Apples Almanac!
This week for the Minigroup Comic Creator’s weekly art show, the topic was John Sanford’s Chippy & Loopus.
Chippy and Loopus had been one of my favorite webcomics when John decided to stop. Well, now it’s back.
For my entry into this week’s art show, I did a version of Chippy getting ready to fight – since the last story before it ended had been about Chippy in a series of boxing matches. I tried to emulate the palette that was often used on the strips.